Yes, let's turn our favorite Freeform Station of the Nation into a covert drug-distribution network. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG??
Ken, could you play something from Blue Cheer's second album - Outsideinside? Great music, mixed by someone doing Owlsey acid at the time ( and it shows! )
hello folks. if the Dead are not on the menu, why not play "Bomb The Mars Hotel" by 11th Dream Day?
ɍoɍo (:
Nothing, Cliff, as long as the WFMU operates from the Dark Web -the second best type of web that there is- and starts accepting bitcoins. Inspired in Silk Road we can name the new site 'Ken Road'. No one will suspect.
Hey did anyone notice today is a palindromic date? 6/1/16
ɍoɍo (:
If I am not mistaken the last person Ken's interviewed was a whistling genius. But it was so long time ago, I mean, we are talking about the era when whistling was all the rage.
Speaking of the Bongwater cover, there were a few really good songs on that Roky tribute CD. I was actually fond of Primal Scream's Slip Inside This House.
does Prince's "I Would Die 4 U" count as a drug song?
request: Das Wanderlust - Humbug
wild neil:
on the train to bangkok by Rush? Get Thy Bearings by Donovan or the cover version by King Crimson (?!)
Hey Ken, FMU and Porcupine Tree fan here. But alas the twain rarely meet except on Irene's show. They have a number of drug inspired early tunes ... Any of the Voyage 34 tracks ( a 4 side spoken word trance prog psych documentary of a young mans acid trip) would be good fodder.
"Yellow and Black and Rectangular" by Negativland is coming to mind for some reason
Cliff, awesome! Yeah mine's a little thick. But I sound pretty posh back home.
Y'know, on the Dead's Aoxomoxoa album, there's a song that even the Deadheads' hate: "What's Become of The Baby?" 8:12 minutes of total psychedelic weird effects & bullshit, etc. It really sucks! Play it Ken, please? The Dead reportedly never played it live.
I always liked listening to Monica (from ChicAAAHgo) on Sunday evenings, after a weekend full of Nooyawkahs it was like hearing somebody normal for a change
@Cliff: New York City side of Jersey = Good. Philly side = Bad. Is that simple enough for your state?
I wish I could be there with you (have some things here that would help) but I have to stick to the green stuff. Oh how work gets in the way!
ɍoɍo (:
Funny you mention that Wild Neil, but I think once we made Nachum (?) play Rush DURING Ken's show while he was away from the mic! We conviced him Rush was one of Ken's favourite bands. Anyone remember this?
On the often-fascinating KCRW show "The Business" (very comparable to KSKA's "Alaskan Fishing Report") last week they spoke as if it were (TV industry) common knowledge that HBO consider "Vinyl" a disaster. , I think about three minutes in.
ɍoɍo (:
I see there are a lot of celebrities in the Optimized extravaganza !
Osymyso, Gwilly Edmondex, Steinsky, Ergo Phizmiz! (now DW Robertson?!), Dan Deacon, Buttress O'Kneel..
Yes, Optimized is gonna be amazing. I will be VJ'ing GIFS live next Wednesday morning.. never did that before live on the radio. No more of this "one GIF per song" nonsense. Next week the gloves are off.
o @-Ken i know what a fan of high quality .gif art you are, i was wondering if you were familiar with the work of Colin "Zbags" Raff?
Did you read the news? What is wrong with Kraftwerk? Yesterday they lost the battle court against a rapper over sampling 2 seconds of one of their songs.
Vicki I still can't figure out what the hell you're doing next week, but I'm sure whatever it is it'll be great! Or at least entertaining as it all goes down in flames
I think WFMU should keep going ahead and experiment with video. There's a huge potential in the far future for WFMU to turn itself into a free-form media channel (rather than just radio). Then again I one of those that thinks WFMU should be a global radio station or at the very least, an Internet based radio catering different markets.
Btw, Jean-Paul Sartre tried mescaline back in the 30's or 40's, and had a very bad experience. That may be the original origins of Existentialist philosophy.
I think Leary did more harm than good, though I'm unsure of whether Weil should have grassed on him or not...what does Mr Jarnow think?
I read a while ago that almost all the LSD in the US in the late 50s came from the CIA buying it from Sandoz and encouraging Eli-Lilly to break the trade patent to make it faster for them
That ethos still lives on in contemporary Silicon Valley culture....they're experimenting and collecting data on all of us!
Stewart Brand: Long Now Foundation
ɍoɍo (:
Very interesting. The most recent and serious scientific study about LSD (published just few weeks ago) describes the processes that occur in the brain when a user experiments the 'I'm one with the world' feeling. Apparently an area in the brain that controls our personal identity turns off under the LSD infuience.
STP is actually another name for DOB, which is a mescaline analogue not LSD. But ya know, whatever, it all gets you to the same place! Though it might take you a bit longer to get back out
David Talbot, in "Season of the Witch", mentions an honest-to-God C.I.A. psychiatrist who took-up residence in the Haight in the late '60s to do informal experiments.
High-quality (or so I was told, I was too scared to try it) acid was still around Caltech in the late '70s and early '80s. Lab equipment, well-distributed master keys or lock-picking knowledge, good training...or just maybe good off-campus contacts.
Have anyone of you noticed that the initial letters of The Beatle's song 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' form the acrostic "LSD"? Yup. You heard it here first.
I grabbed my copy of the anachrists cookbook in Forbidden Planet, the comic store on union square
Ugh. the online market scares me. You need all this technical knowledge, be bitcoin savvy, and you have to take all kinds of precautions with internet security... exhausting. I just want to have a guy I can text...
it's not too bad JP, the hardest part is probably learning how to use PGP to sign emails and making sure your tor setup is "fail closed" and not "fail open", also learning how/where to buy BTC with cash, otherwise the freakiest part is how straitforward and normal it is lol
that's actually supposedly a really common effect of long-term/regular acid droppin, it tends to make you really egotistical over time, there's some conspiracy theory that the CIA soaked the radical student left in acid purposely to encourage them to eat themselves w/ egotistical faction infighting
He had a terrible problem with alcoholism later in life. I think anyone who does psychedelics long-term ends up with an addiction to some sort of depressants, either alcohol, benzos, or opiates.
(aside - i just tuned in, then heard "east coast - west coast" comment. which made me think of canadian bands SLOAN and NEW PORNOGRAPHERS and how they were doing a rap style east - west coast war. 2nd aside - Monkees are at Town Hall tonight. worth going? excuse me for OT.)
(aside - this phone phreaking stuff reminds me of someone doing a vid-b'cast thing. he'd play a vhs, for inst, and put an fm dipole antenna(?) on the output. or something like that. then those in the very near areas could tune in.)
Ken, I guarentee if you trip with me you'd have a good trip.
aw man Ken, u must come up to the glorious and stately castle of Lord Blacula420 in the lovely New Jersey mountains and get dosed one weekend [allegedly]
There needs to be a 7SD on LSD episode
Ken, I guarentee if you trip with me you'd have a good trip.
Wait, even KEN hasn't had a good experience with psychs? That makes me really terrified to ever try it. One of my experiences w/edibles was awful enough. (I have a weird brain.)
On the subject of books, with Dave Hill on his book tour, Mayuko has done a fine job of filling in. Danne D also stops by and they chit-chat for a spell. Also, happy birthday, Amy Shumer.
Actually harmine/harmaline is the main ingredient in traditional Ayahausca preparations, while DMT is considered an admixture
Morning Glory seeds contain lysergic acid, which can produce a mild effect even when not converted to the LSD form. Hippies used to order the seeds by the case from Burpee and the the other big mail-order seed suppliers.
a friend of mine works at the National Archives and he showed me a clip of a regiment that was dosed with LSD and told to march in circles (until they saw an effect of course). All of a sudden, the regiment went from order to chaos in a minute.
I knew some kids who tried to get high on nutmeg in high school
i'm a straight arrow so can't relate to this drug talk, but very very interesting. i did get a $1 copy of Paul Krassner's "One Hand Jerking: Reports From an Investigative Satirist," and so inhaled some, figuratively, while reading.
Robin Quivers from the Stern show did ayahuasca, her experience with it is a running joke on the show.
late to the party here.. just wondering what the hell i was taking in the 80s... the 4 ways.. the the 'double barrel' red and purple microdots... because i strongly doubt that it was lsd. - id like to know what those little cylinders 'mescaline' pills were, before they were soaked in whatever....
Good god, I remember that bath salt episode of 7SD Ken.
I once had to translate Chinese / English & vice versa during a science conference / meeting while very, very, very high... In The PRC in the late 80's Not a great idea.
General rule of thumb with psychedelics: Don't have anything important to do for the next 12 hours, don't drive and don't operate heavy machinery (that includes kitchenware, gotta keep those fingers intact!)
i was doing a bunch of methylone for a few months like 2 years ago, it burnt me out pretty hard and queered me off dope in general for a while
blacula420 - methylone and things similar to MDMA you have to limit yourself to once a month at the most, or you'll get burned-out pretty quickly like you said.
In high school I had to see the school psychologist: her name was Alice DiMartino. (LSD martino)
ya, I don't trust any of the MDMA analogs anymore really, too sketchy for me, also godamn when did bluelight get a real .org domain? they were on .ru forever
NYU Langone is on 1st ave and 33rd st. Tuned in from a lab at Langone now!
Emily Dickinson's poetry: synaesthesia, baby!
Church of Sacred Mirrors, it's a huge farm compound/sculpture garden they have in Wappinger NY, really rad place
Janniger was the respected psychiatrist who administered LSD to many movie business figures (while it was still legal and distributed to professionals by the pharmaceutical company Sandoz) including writers, producers, actors (like Cary Grant) etc.
Amanda Feilding, Countess of Wemyss and March, has some interesting things to say about psychedelics, though she's not as forthcoming on trepanation these days: .
Don't recall the DQ but I grew up in Levittown/Hicksville on LI and there was an ice cream truck, appropriately named "SID's" that sold acid. I think he was eventually arrested.
I just glanced at an old journal last weekend that my 11 year old pulled outta my mom's basement where I scribbled some frantic notes about thinking I was having a psychotic break on some mushrooms...I told my kid to put it back where she got it.
You should point out to the kids listening Spice is horrible toxic chemicals from China...
The Subgenius blotters were likely from San Francisco, contact was made there with Dallas very early on. (Bay Area radio has three Subgenius shows, Puzzling Evidence on KPFA and, "Ask Dr Hal" with cartoonist/savant Hal Robins on the latter.)
Dature and other deliriants can cause actual, waking hallucinations, where you think you're wandering through an enchanted forest but actually you're weaving down a 4-lane highway in midday traffic
i'm really sorry, i shoulda bought Jesse's book at housing works used book cafe. i had seen a reviewer's copy on shelf, $5, and there was also a 30% sale, 2 or 3 months ago.
Hal Robins would probably _love_ to have Mr Jarnow on, he had a toad guy on for ninety minutes a few months back; I know Robins only slightly, contacting him via should work.
Don't you remember Steal This Book? You're not supposed to care about your ranking on Amazon, that's like totally selling out, man.
Great show! Look up Leah Betts...
Moral panic in 1995 about ecstasy in the UK. She didn't die from MDMA but from water overdose...
Hal Robins would probably _love_ to have Mr Jarnow on, he had a toad guy on for ninety minutes a few months back; I know Robins only slightly, contacting him via should work.