Admiring that racoon ani-GIF. Apparently someone spread around a video of a racoon acting funny -- they do that a lot -- and someone else figured out how to make it even funnier.
Got anything you can play at 9 that I can say was for my friend Steve so I can plug the radio in the living room and Steve won't be crabby even if he's still in bed?
To give you an idea, Steve's favorite show on WFMU these days seems to be "SUW", especially Michelle; he has their shirt. What he plays for himself on CDs seems to be mostly pop stuff far from hippie noise. Among his past favorite DJs was The Hound, and in addition to WFMU he liked the recently-dismissed gang at WNTI -- who apparently have lost their gig as well, for about the same reason WFMU lost Nachum.
FƨFƨ (:
Good morning, Ken, Listener Robert!!
Nice Giffery. I haven't loaded them yet but I bet they are all pretty. Where are all my early bird brothers? cory? Ken from HP?
Good morning, folks. My Good Idea™ this week is that there should be a page with faces of various WFMU DJs and you can select a pair and it will morph them together into something new. Mayuko's recent show was my inspiration for this dastardly plot.
@Roberto I'm not calling your daughter a liar, but according to Wiki it's completely unclear where the word "Panda" comes from. The popular Chinese name is dà xióng māo (大熊貓) meaning something like "large bear-cat"....
@Miles, cool, didn't know that. Both names may come from a King Oliver/Jelly Roll Morton song from the 20's, "Hello Central, Give me Dr Jazz", at least mine does...
Yeah... the story of Django living in Paris during Nazi occupation is a good one. He was a crippled, jazz playing Gypsy, so he had 3 strikes against him! But he became a symbol of the resistance and lived like a star during the war.
@fm Mike, and other seekers of the obscure, there are still many, many great things to be rediscovered in the 365 Days Projects of 2003 and 2007, and on the mummified Beware Of The Blog.
People always act so goofy when they're in black and white
Because if we have Interwebs we may actually be able to glean one erg of enjoyment from being in a cube farm. Also bullshit RE network security bullshit. Did I mention bullshit.?
Huh...bought my four lag screws at Home Depot and I was in and out in like 15 minutes. It usually takes almost an hour to track stuff down in there. I guess there's probably an app to locate stuff. I don't see why they don't have a map at the entrance or some kind of kiosk to find anything.
SIGNS - my friend tells me of a joke (or real?) of man seeing "no swimming allowed" sign, but he plunges in anyway. at court, judge asks "didnt you read the sign?" and he goes "yes, and it says 'no (pause) swimming allowed' ". i like that.
PEACE all. We burned a door today and then sprayed a 2" firehose all over the inside of the lab. We had to squeegee our floors and now there are two fans trying to dry it out.