Favoriting Tony Coulter: Playlist from November 20, 2018 Favoriting

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I play rhinoceros and psychedelic fork.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting November 20, 2018: Open Door Polizei

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Artist Track Album Label Year Approx. start time
The In-Theme          0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Open End  The Door   Favoriting V.A.: WOUR Presents the Rock of Central New York  WOUR  1980  0:01:59 (Pop-up)
Sternpost  Untitled 2 (excerpt)   Favoriting Anti-Clock  Dilettante Productions  2018  0:07:41 (Pop-up)
Conventum  Les Criticotteuses   Favoriting À l'Affût d'un Complot  RE: ProgQuébec  1977  0:10:33 (Pop-up)
Peter Madcat Ruth with Jason Boekeloo  Watchin' the World   Favoriting V.A.: Cruisin' Ann Arbor  Ann Arbor Music Project  1982  0:15:57 (Pop-up)
Dionne-Brégent  L'incarnation   Favoriting ... Et le Troisième Jour  Capitol  1976  0:22:38 (Pop-up)
Maciunas Ensemble  The Four Daltons (1990)   Favoriting Number Made Audible  Apollo  1993  0:30:38 (Pop-up)
Sten Hanson  The Chessmen of Mars   Favoriting The John Carter Song Book  Phono Suecia ‎  1988  0:44:04 (Pop-up)
DDAA  St. Adolf's Comet (1986)   Favoriting GNz-11  Fractal  2018  0:47:50 (Pop-up)
Charles Hayward  Smell of Metal   Favoriting Skew-Whiff  Sub Rosa  1990  0:51:56 (Pop-up)
Zut Un Feu Rouge  Sålunda Järnvägshotell   Favoriting Who's Afreud  Bauta  1985  0:56:32 (Pop-up)
Vox Populi!  Charob (2000)   Favoriting Mystic Entertainment  Infrastition  2009  1:01:27 (Pop-up)
X-Ray Pop  Brûle Parfum   Favoriting Zouka Land  EastWest  1999  1:03:59 (Pop-up)
Garfield  Nanny's Song   Favoriting Strange Streets  Mercury  1976  1:11:37 (Pop-up)
Peggy Morgan & Bette Phelan  We Have the Power (The Children's Song)   Favoriting Peggy Morgan and Bette Phelan  Yellow Orchid  1983  1:14:17 (Pop-up)
Silent Partner  K.N.O.W.   Favoriting V.A.: Who's Not Who in Athens, GA  Instant Tea  1987  1:21:56 (Pop-up)
Men's Recovery Project  You Pay Attention to Me, Not Vice Versa   Favoriting Botanica Mysteria  Kill Rock Stars  1996  1:25:06 (Pop-up)
Vulgarians  Sexdöner   Favoriting 7"  8tta 7uor  2017  1:26:42 (Pop-up)
It Play  Tunnel of Love   Favoriting V.A.: Cruisin' Ann Arbor  Ann Arbor Music Project  1982  1:32:59 (Pop-up)
The Chameleons  Reynolds' Rap   Favoriting Spring Fallout  Meta  1981  1:37:01 (Pop-up)
Mother May I  Commercial   Favoriting 7"  no label  1981  1:39:28 (Pop-up)
Jacket Weather  Must Be West   Favoriting When Shadows Move  Iconoclast  1983  1:41:48 (Pop-up)
Polycarp  The Worm Song   Favoriting Polycarp Sings the Blues  Cubist Productions / Wifflefist  199?  1:44:18 (Pop-up)
Insanity  All Alone   Favoriting V.A.: Who's Not Who in Athens, GA  Instant Tea  1987  1:48:26 (Pop-up)
Complot Bronswick  Stultitia Navis   Favoriting L'image Oubliée  RE: Desire  1982  1:52:58 (Pop-up)
Twice a Man  Move   Favoriting Music for Girls  Silence  1982  2:00:59 (Pop-up)
Sternpost  Untitled 1   Favoriting Anti-Clock  Dilettante Productions  2018  2:06:43 (Pop-up)
TV Dinner Education  Little Birds   Favoriting 7"  8tta 7uor  2017  2:26:55 (Pop-up)
PD  Progressive Disco 1   Favoriting Inweglos  RE: Absurd  1980  2:29:16 (Pop-up)
Thirteen at Midnight  Other Passengers   Favoriting Climb Down  Pure/Survival  1982  2:32:13 (Pop-up)
Yximalloo  Ensoku   Favoriting La La La  Sakura Wrechords  2017  2:35:28 (Pop-up)
Mark Clear  Nazi Spies   Favoriting Nazi Spies  Lite  1985  2:40:51 (Pop-up)
Kurt Ochshorn  River of Blood   Favoriting 7"  Pentagraph  1980  2:44:29 (Pop-up)
VIIth Temple  See the Light   Favoriting Under the Burning Sun  no label  1978  2:49:28 (Pop-up)
The Out-Theme  Gelbart: My Favorite Vacation [part of] + Die Trip Computer Die: Airborn [part of]   Favoriting       2:57:15 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 12:01pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:01pm
listener james from westwood:

Good Tuesday, Tony and all!!
Avatar 12:02pm

Veeblefetzer, axolotl, hoohah, osszefogva, bitsko, furshlugginer, Moxie, ganef and halavah, too
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
listener james from westwood:

Wally Wood FTW!
Avatar 12:02pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, Kay and James!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
Rich in Washington:

Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

Hi Tony and listeners! I only have regular glasses for the show, I hope it's fine...
Avatar 12:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, Rich and Yvang!

Yvang: Boy! What you're missing!
Avatar 12:06pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Kay: Veeblefetzer -- I remember that one!
Avatar 12:08pm

furshlugginer sure!
Avatar 12:09pm

Avatar 12:10pm

Hola, Tony, folks!
Avatar 12:11pm
Tony Coulter:

Hola, Holly!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:15pm

Greets, Tony, assembled Coultergeists, those which require some assembly, and Drummer Stream newbies.
Avatar 12:17pm
Tony Coulter:

Hiya, Sem!
Avatar 12:19pm

This is quite an awesome show so far. Really enjoyed that Sternpost song, and this current weirdness.
Avatar 12:20pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, Holly!

Peter Madcat Ruth was in New Heavenly Blue, which also featured Dave Brubeck's offspring: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 12:21pm

Tony and Kay: For years I've had North American Veeblefetzer in my short list of potential-future-band names.
Avatar 12:21pm
Tony Coulter:

I'll be playing more of the Sternpost LP later on....
Avatar 12:22pm

what is that instrument being plucked?
Avatar 12:22pm

sounds like an mbira..?
Avatar 12:23pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Quinn! Yes, I think it was a mbira
Avatar 12:23pm
Tony Coulter:

Love the sound of those things....
Avatar 12:24pm

me too!
Avatar 12:34pm
Tony Coulter:

Btw, both Paul Panhuysen and Remko Scha are in the Maciunas Ensemble
Avatar 12:42pm
Tony Coulter:

You particularly need to put on your 3-D glasses for this Maciunas Ensemble track. With them on, you'll hear that this is actually a cover of "New York, New York."
Avatar 12:46pm

really loved that maciunas ensemble
Avatar 12:47pm
Tony Coulter:

Glad to hear it, Quinn!
Avatar 12:48pm
Tony Coulter:

The cover of the Sten Hanson (just on) is pretty funny. Kind of looks like a metal album: www.discogs.com...
Avatar 12:52pm

That would make for a nice black-light wall hanging in my custom van.
Avatar 12:53pm
Tony Coulter:

Ahoy, βrian!
Avatar 12:55pm

Sten Hanson did John Carter? DDAA! (also love the Maciunas Ensemble)
Avatar 12:56pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, hey, hey, NGH!
Avatar 12:59pm
Tony Coulter:

@ NGH: Yeah, the concept of Sten Hanson setting John Carter to music is fairly startling. It's a great album, though
Avatar 1:13pm

Now I want lasagna....
Avatar 1:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Tearjerker alert
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:16pm
Rich in Washington:

Weird that that John Carter album has Charles Dodge on it.
Avatar 1:17pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Rich: Yeah, I was going to mention that -- tho I think he just contributed his voice-processing program.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:19pm

Beautiful, this.
Avatar 1:19pm

Lasagna is on the horizon. I already have the shiitake, tomatoes, and ricotta. Still need fresh noodles, 3 pounds of fresh spinach, zucchini, etc. Oh boy!
Avatar 1:20pm

I so dearly want to cook for this T-giving, I just don't have the time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm

You deliver?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
listener james from westwood:

Much later date on this one than I'd have guessed.
Avatar 1:21pm
Tony Coulter:

Don't give an S, give a T.
Avatar 1:22pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Listener James: Yes, they obviously didn't notice it was the '80s.
Avatar 1:22pm

One of the nice things about cooking is all that cooking wine.
Avatar 1:25pm

One bottle per cook per kitchen-hour seems to work out well.
Avatar 1:26pm

I haven't made lasagna in years (ok, only once, and it was veggie). I need a potluck to get rid of that much food.
Avatar 1:30pm

One good thing about wine is all of the wine.
Avatar 1:31pm

Veggie is de rigueur in our household. Makes for a very bright flavor and highlights the scandalous entaglement of Rosemary and Basil.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:31pm
Michael 98145:

Avatar 1:33pm

I remember It Play!!
Avatar 1:33pm
Tony Coulter:

Sew RU, Michael 98145! (Greets!)
Avatar 1:35pm

I tried to google them once or twice. Can you imagine how far I got?
Avatar 1:35pm
Tony Coulter:

@ βrian: Really!? Tell me more. (I only know of this one track.)
Avatar 1:37pm

A band whose Raison d'être was a drum machine. Heh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:39pm
Michael 98145:

@Brian, probably depends on how much filtering is being done
Avatar 1:39pm

I remember practically nothing of them beyond that anecdote, but it stuck for some reason. And because Ann Arbor is the center of the world, I guess. Early 80s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:48pm
Michael 98145:

{ upload.wikimedia.org... }
Avatar 1:48pm

A german collector's site has this image:
The Cult Heroes were based across the street.
Avatar 1:53pm

Insanity, new to me (well, the band, not my current state of mind).
Avatar 1:53pm
Tony Coulter:

@ βrian: That's a bit of the back cover of the album I played.
Avatar 1:53pm

My Rosemary bush died :(
Avatar 1:54pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Michael 98145: Ha!! Zippy!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm
Michael 98145:

enjoying the show. thanks.
Avatar 1:54pm

Didn't even get a baby our of it....
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:55pm
Rich in Washington:

Sorry NGH! Wish I could send you a baby one!
Avatar 1:55pm
Tony Coulter:

@ NGH: I've got an Insanity LP coming in the mail. Listen for it on a future show (probably in two weeks).
Avatar 1:56pm

Basil likes Rosemary.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
Michael 98145:

the trunk of a large rosemary can be twisted and quite lovely
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:57pm
Rich in Washington:

For some reason, we've not been successful in growing basil but we have a couple of little rosemary bushes right outside our back door.
Avatar 1:57pm

Only my chili pepper plants (poblano, ghost, and carolina reaper), tomatoes, and eggplant are still thriving. They survived last weekend's frost.... (I have more chilies and tomatoes then I know what to do w/). Butternut squash will probably die in a week.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:58pm
Michael 98145:

basil gives up when the temps drop below 50F
Avatar 2:01pm

Carolina Reaper sounds a little ominous. I'll stick with my more obliging serranos and bird's-eye chilis.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:03pm

Hi Tony. Lay it on me, man.
Avatar 2:04pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Stanley!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:05pm

Hello, Stanley. Missed you this AM.
Avatar 2:05pm

@Michael 98145: Yeah, he's kind of a wuss, that way. Rosemary is a lot more robust.
Avatar 2:09pm

@βrian:The reapers blow the ghost peppers away, heat-wise. This weekend I was cutting one up and had to blow my nose. For the next few hours, it felt like I did line of those bastards. I think ghosts have the best flavor of all of the hot peppers, and poblanos go w/ anything....
Avatar 2:09pm

We got down to 37F/3C two nights this weekend. It's warm again, now.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:11pm

Hi Sem. I was working at the office, so the 'interaction' was minimal. Did I mention we're going to Barcelona for the New Year?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:12pm
Michael 98145:

@ngh, can you dry the peppers and make powders?
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:13pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hi I've been listening but also distracted. It's fun having a freeform show again!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:13pm

Stanley, you did not. I had 4 days there some years back, marvelous town, and the cooking is sublime, at least at those places I found two streets off Las Ramblas.
Avatar 2:14pm
Tony Coulter:

Webhamster! Hiya! Yes, I missed freeforming -- gives me an excuse to have ridiculous segues.
Avatar 2:15pm

I can, I just don't have anything to dry them w/. It's still to humid to hang them out to dry. I need a smoker.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:16pm
Michael 98145:

the humidity may have had something to do with the rosemary failure ..
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:19pm

Sem, some years back it wasn't over run with tourists, like it is now. However it won't be too bad in the Winter. It'll be my first visit. Will have to be organised to know where the NYE action is and what's open the next day. But hey!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:21pm

Yes, I've read those stories about Barcelona's "Venice" problem. I agree w/ your assessment "But hey!" :-D
Avatar 2:21pm

We've had the most rain to date for a calendar year so far. (Above 80 inches so far), usually average 50ish.
Avatar 2:22pm

OK, off to lunch, thanks Tony!
Avatar 2:23pm

(we went four months where it rained every day)
Avatar 2:23pm
Tony Coulter:

See yerz, NGH! Potrzebie!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Michael 98145:

@ngh, sloshy axolotl !
Avatar 🥁 Swag For Life Member 2:31pm

Progressive disco is the quadrature of the circle.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42pm
Michael 98145:

good advice
watch yerself

Heading your way tomorrow a.m., Tony. Three and a half glorious days in sunny PDX!
Avatar 2:44pm

Well, this song is more relevant than ever
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In WI, the excessive rain seemed to to decimate our rosemary, too.
Avatar 2:46pm
Tony Coulter:

Hey, Dean!
Avatar 2:46pm

(We got 12 inches in a single night. That was no fun.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Michael 98145:

hope No Cal avoids becoming a river of mud the next few days ...
Avatar 2:51pm
Tony Coulter:

@ Dean: I'll be heading in the opposite direction (not strictly, I guess, since I imagine you're coming from California).

Yes, from Northern CA. You heading east?
Avatar 2:53pm
Tony Coulter:

Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:54pm

This episode doubleplus good, Tony.
Now where is the Victory gin?
See you and all next time.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm

Hello Tony! Nice fork music!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Michael 98145:

thanks again, Tony C
Avatar 2:56pm

Thanks, Tony. Especially for the Ann Arbor flashback.
Avatar 2:58pm

Thanks TC. Hope you have a delightful Turkey Day.
Avatar 2:58pm
Tony Coulter:

Thanks, everybody!! Happy Stuffing Day!! See you next week....

Thanks for putting us one after MRP. Always an influence. Spec that song about a sofa giving still birth and dying from grief
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